Spring 2025 Registrations Now Open



The name of the organization shall be the Batavia Community Recreation League (BCRL).

ARTICLE II. District

The real estate described below shall comprise the district of the league:
All of the parcels of land situated in the state of Ohio, county of Clermont, and in the townships of Batavia, Union and Williamsburg that comprise the Batavia Local School District.


The BCRL is a non-profit organization formed to sponsor healthful athletic and social activities.  The BCRL will provide supervised recreation and promote good sportsmanship for the benefit of the youth in the district.

ARTICLE IV. Membership

Membership is open to all men and women whose children participate in BCRL athletic activities, and to those adults as prescribed by the by-laws.

ARTICLE V. Meetings

Regular meetings, special meetings and meetings of the Board shall be held as prescribed by the by-laws.


ARTICLE VI. Board Members

The Board shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary and two Member-at-Large.  The term for all officers shall be two years.  Officers shall perform the duties outlined in the by-laws and those assigned from time to time by the president.

ARTICLE VII. Elections

Election of officers shall be conducted biennially as prescribed by the by-laws.

ARTICLE VIII. Amendments

This constitution can be amended in the following manner:

1.      The proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the board for its approval.

2.      The proposed amendment must be read at two consecutive meetings.

3.      The vote to approve the amendment will be held after its second reading; a 2/3 majority of members present is required for passage.

SECTION I. Membership

Members of this organization shall be:

Parents and/or guardians of any child registered with the organization willing to abide by its Constitution and By-Laws.
Officers, committee members, approved managers and coaches of any team playing under the auspices of this organization.
Any adult, 18 years of age or older, willing to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of this organization.

A member in good standing shall attend six meetings within a calendar year.  (Exceptions shall be made for district representatives attending county meetings that conflict with regular monthly meetings.)  These members shall have the following rights:

Voting privileges at any regular meeting on any issue brought forward to the foor, except board selection.

SECTION II. Meetings
The BCRL will meet once a month, generally on the second Wednesday of each month, but changeable with 24 hours notice on social media or public websites.  Virtual meetings and attendance is acceptable (but not required to be an option).

Special meetings may be called by the President as necessary.  The Board shall have the authority to conduct all regular business between regular meetings.  Any action or business conducted in this manner shall be reported to the membership at the next regular meeting.

Meetings for disciplinary action will include the members of the Board, the District Representative of the sport, and the individual(s) involved, at the Board’s discretion.

SECTION III. Duties and Responsibilities of the Board and its Members

               1.       The Board shall be responsible for:

a)       approval of all coaches, representatives and coordinators

b)       investigating reported acts of misconduct by players, coaches or spectators.  These acts may or may not have resulted in ejection from a game or activity.

c)       setting forth penalties for acts of misconduct and, if necessary, conducting informal hearings with the individual(s) involved

d)      monitoring activities of the treasurer to assure an accurate reporting of the organization, providing forma or informal audits as desired. 

e)      Control, decide and be responsible for anything not specifically outlined in this document.  Even if delegated in this document the BCRL board still maintains the right to approve or deny any decision that impacts the organization without limits.

2.       The President shall preside at all regular meetings of this organization and at all special meetings, setting the agenda for each.  He/she shall be a member ex-officio at all times of all committee meetings, except those of the nominating committee.  He/she shall coordinate the work of the officers and committees to promote the goals of the organization.  He/she has no vote on issues on the floor while in the chair except or break ties.  He/she may vacate the chair for a specific issue in order to vote, in which case the vice-president assumes the chair and the restrictions therein.

3.       The Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to serve.

4.       The Secretary shall record the minutes of all regular meetings of the organization.  He/she shall present a typewritten copy of these minutes at the next meeting.  When approved, these will be kept in a separate book that shall be the permanent record of the proceedings.  The Secretary shall take attendance at each regular meeting and keep a record of the same for voting privileges.  As Corresponding Secretary, he/she shall conduct all correspondence for the organization: receiving, reading and filing all materials.

5.       The Member-At-Large position will be at least two positions, the board has the right to add additional positions as desired but filling a vacancy is not required if the two position minimum is met.  Electionts for additional Member-At-Large will follow the procedures outlined in section IV.  The Member-at-Large will assume the dutities of the Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer in case of absence.  He/she will also perform dutities as assigned to them by the President. 

SECTION IV. Elections

Every even year, the President shall call for a confirmation or election of board members.  Between the months of August and November with a 28 day notice.  Nominations from the board will be accepted and an individual vote on each position will be verbally administered.  Simple majority vote by the board wins.

In the case of a tie, the following procedure will be followed (ending when a winner is determined):

  •        Discussion and then revote.
  •        If a tie continues, then a simple coin flip will determine the winner.

Upon final approval of this amendment, an election will be held, no later than 9/30/2021.

SECTION V. Filling Vacancies on the Board

If a vacancy should occur the board can first reallocate positions on the board via the procedures outlined in section IV.  Then the procedure outlined in section IV will be followed for the open position only, the winner serving the remainder of the term.

SECTION VI. Duties and Responsibilities of Representatives
A District Representative is expected to:

a)       attend regularly scheduled league meetings;

b)       attend county meetings and report any pertinent information;

c)       provide updates on the current status of his activity.  (A written report shall be submitted for presentation in the event of his absence from a regular monthly meeting.)

2.       submit a list of coaches and assistant coaches for Board approval.

3.       handle details of registration and team formation, with copies of rosters, including coaches and assistants, submitted to the Board.

4.       disseminate information to coaches, parents and players.

5.       schedule use of facilities.  When appropriate, this will involve working with the Field Coordinator approved by the Board.

6.       assume responsibility for umpires/referees, working with the Coordinator approved by the Board.

7.       respond to complaints and reports of acts of misconduct.

A  District Representative may be removed by a simple majority vote of the Board.

SECTION VII. Duties and Responsibilities of Coaches
A coach from the preceding year will be considered to have tenure with his team if he/she has remained in good standing.  When more coaches are available than teams, coaches will be selected from seniority.  Coaches with enough returning players from their team of the previous year to fulfill the minimum limit will be exempt from this rule.  All coaches must be approved by the BCRL Board each year.  If a vacancy occurs, applicants for the open position must be members in good standing.  Coaches from the previous year will be given first consideration.

A coach is responsible for:

               1.       The conduct and performance of his/her team, assistants and parents

               2.       The appointment of his/her assistants, pending BCRL Board approval

                3.       Dissemination of rules and league changes to his/her assistants, players and families

4.       Field preparation and care of league equipment

5.       Attendance at work details, fund-raising events, and other projects approved by the BCRL Board, as well as for participation in these activities by his/her players and their families

6.       Turning in all equipment/uniforms by the date set by the District Representative.  A coach shall be held accountable for any equipment or money for which he is responsible

7.       Attendance (himself/herself or a representative of the team) at regular league meetings during his sport’s season.  No one may represent more than one team.  Failure to attend will be grounds for disciplinary action, which may include loss of scheduled practice time

Failure to abide by the rules shall be reason for penalty.  Extra duties may be given to exonerate the guilty party.  Failure to fulfill the penalty, or repeated failure to fulfill responsibilities, will be grounds for dismissal.

SECTION VIII. Registration
Fees will be determined by the Board.  Payment is expected at the time of registration.  Hardship cases will be evaluated on an individual basis.  A child with outstanding fees, uniforms or equipment will not be permitted to participate in any BCRL activity.

All participants must register during the specified registration period. 
Exceptions must be approved by the Board.

SECTION IX. Participation
Minimum requirements for participation in activities shall be as follows:
              Soccer:                                   two quarters per game
              Basketball:                             one full quarter per game
              Cheerleading:                         one-half of each game
              Knothole/Softball/T-Ball:       two defensive innings
              Softball:                                 teams will play by the all batter rule

Exceptions may be made for disciplinary reasons. If the league we participate in requires more than above, the leagues requirements will be met.

SECTION X. Code of Ethics
The following  are violations of the BCRL Code of Ethics.  These unsportsmanlike behaviors will result in specific penalties to be issued by the on-field official and/or the BCRL Board.

1.       Entering the playing area without permission of the officials.

o    Warning/Ejection/Board Review/Sanctions

2.        Threatening actions or words toward the officials, players or spectators.

o    Ejection/Board Review/Sanction

3.        Aggressive physical contact with officials, players or spectators.

o    Ejection/Possible contact of law enforcement personnel/Board Review/Sanctions

4.       Refusal to leave the playing area after ejection.

o    Forfeiture/Possible contact of law enforcement personnel/Board Review/Sanctions

5.       Constant and/or excessive verbal abuse of officials, players or spectators.

o    Warning/Ejection/Board Review/Sanctions

6.       Instructing players to play in a dangerous or unsportsmanlike manner.

o    Ejection/Board Review/Sanction

7.       Use of tobacco products or profanity in the playing area during practices or games.

o    Caution/Ejection/Board Review/Sanction

8.       Consumption of alcohol in the playing area during practices or games.

o    Ejection/Board Review/Sanction


SECTION XI. Park Rules

1.       No alcoholic beverages on the park premises (including the parking lot).  Violation will result in immediate ejection from the park.

 No use of tobacco products on the playing field or in the dugout by any coach, player or parent.
 The parking lot is for BCRL use only.  Vehicles must be parked properly.  Unauthorized vehicles, or those parked in an illegal manner, will be towed at the owner’s expense.  No vehicles in unauthorized areas.
 No pets.
 No profanity.
 No beverage coolers.
 No bicycles inside the park.
 Written authorization is required for the use of these fields.

SECTION XII. Grievances
Grievances must be submitted in writing to the Board.

SECTION XIII. Amendments
The procedure for amending the By-Laws will be the same as for amending the Constitution.

About BCRL

BCRL provides baseball, softball, soccer, basketball and volleyball to the youth of Batavia, Ohio.

Contact Us

For sports specific information, visit the specific sports page for contact information.

  • 513-732-3868
  • board (@) bcrl.org
Our location

2487 Bauer Road, Batavia, Ohio 45103

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